Category: Hair

How to Fight Against Dandruff


Many people suffer from Dandruff – the result of the rapid cell turnover. What are the causes of dandruff, what treatments are available, and what types of dandruff occur, let’s try to understand below.

Our skin is exposed to the action of the regular update process. Dead cells are replaced by and are pushed by cells seeking to take the place of dead. This process repeats every 28 days and covers the entire body including the scalp. Continue reading

How to do a Flawless Waterfall Braid


Now a day there is a trend of French Braids and they are still hot right now. Even though the trend may die out by spring, celebrity stylist believes that ability and skills are required to create a perfect French Braid and every stylist should know how to do that. But for perfect look straighten your hair or curl it with the help of professional flat iron. Avail free coupons for hair products and save your budget. Here are steps to create a perfect Waterfall French Braid:
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